Buyer Information Sheet Name of Seller (if known) * First Name Last Name Property Street Address * Property City Property Zip Property State Buyer 1 Name Information about Main Buyer. If there are more than three buyers, please provide their information in the Additional Information section below. Buyer 1 Marital Status * Married Divorced Single Separated Unknown / NA Widowed Buyer 1 Email * Buyer 1 Phone Number * Buyer #2 Name Information About Additional Buyers (if applicable) First Name Last Name Buyer 2 Email Information about Main Buyer. If there are more than three buyers, please provide their information in the Additional Information section below. Buyer 2 Marital Status * Married Divorced Single Separated Unknown / NA Widowed Buyer 2 Phone Number * Buyer #3 Name Information About Additional Buyers (if applicable) First Name Last Name Buyer 3 Marital Status * Married Divorced Single Separated Unknown / NA Widowed Buyer 3 Phone Number * Buyer 3 Email Information about Main Buyer. If there are more than three buyers, please provide their information in the Additional Information section below. Should Richardson Law Firm order a SURVEY for the buyer? We encourage a new survey; however, a survey will NOT be ordered unless requested by Agent or Buyer. Although we will attempt to accommodate orders at any time, we cannot be responsible for surveys ordered less than 14 days prior to due diligence deadline. (Survey must be paid for if contract terminates). If you are not sure if you would like a survey please call the office (919) 469-9904. Yes No Not Sure Mortgage Lender Mortgage Information Name of Mortgage Agent Mortgage Agent Phone Name of Company Termite Inspection Amount to be paid at closing Amount to be paid outside of closing Type of Inspection Other Inspections Name of Inspection Company Amount to be paid at closing Amount to be paid outside closing Type of Inspection Name of Inspection Company Amount to be paid at closing Amount to be paid outside of closing Type of Inspection Name of Inspection Company Amount to pay at closing Amount to pay outside of closing Name of Warranty Company Warranty Information Who is ordering the home warranty? Listing Agent Selling Agent Who is paying for the warranty? Buyer Seller Amount to pay at closing Amount to pay outside of closing Realtor Name Realtor Information Realtor Phone (###) ### #### Realtor Email Buyer's Side Realtor Commission (%) Realtor Transaction Fee ($) Additional Information Email for Confirmation * Before submitting, please provide us with an email address you would like a confirmation and copy of the submitted data forwarded to. Thank you!